About Alex Humphrey
My job title is ‘Software Engineer’ and I’m based in Manchester in the UK. I have a degree in Software Engineering which I obtained ages ago and a few Microsoft certs which were obtained before I knew any better. My programming interests involve C#, F# and unit testing, although I’ll give almost anything a go. I occasionally participate on StackOverflow, but that’s getting less and less frequent as I spend more time here (and try to find time for a life outside of programming).
About the Site
The blog’s title, ‘Dogwashing’ comes from the Jargon File Glossary. The term dogwash comes from the text entered in the urgency field of a change request which read ‘wash your dog first’, and has come to mean a task that has an extremely low priority – often as a way to avoid more important work.
This site is basically a place for me to vent my thoughts when my friends or no-one at work will listen. It’s also served in the past as a great repository for tips I’m constantly forgetting, and a place to record things I’ve learnt. The focus is on software development in general, which is a fairly broad topic, but expect most posts to involve F#, C# or technologies associated with .NET. I’m aiming to post around a couple of articles a month, which is a fairly low rate, but hey, I do have a job you know!
This site obviously uses WordPress. The theme is a hacked up WordPress 2011 HTML 5 theme called shyalex. Code highlighting is performed by a slightly modified version of the Highlight Source Pro plugin by Christian Knoflach (The F# highlighting uses the style for OCaml if you’re after some decent F# highlighting).
Also worth a mention are Google XML Sitemaps, Sociable for WordPress, Ultimate Google Analytics, WP-reCAPTCHA and Xhanch’s My Twitter. My thanks goes to the people involved in all of those projects.
The font for the title is Belligerent Madness, the body font is DejaVu Serif, and the code font is BitStream Vera Sans Mono. All fonts were obtained from fontsquirrel.com.
Finally and most importantly, special thanks goes to Michael Lomas for hosting my site – thanks Mike!